
•Poetry •Workshop


Thorn Bitten

Thorn Bitten is a commune for 15 monks, 14 married adults, 4 children, 2 cows and one dog. It is as much an exploration of a life style as an architectural design. The farm is self-sufficient having cash crops, herb gardens, flowers, vegetable gardens and a private non-sectarian K-4 school (building rented-in town.) It is also a Zen monastery of sorts having regular sitting practice and bi-monthly lectures.

Thorn - Bitten site plan

Thorn - Bitten foundation

Thorn - Bitten Roof framing

Thorn - Bitten Floor plans

Thorn - Bitten kit basement

Thorn - Bitten sections

Thorn - Bitten Zendo Elevations

Thorn - Bitten Kitchen elevations
